Before joining our training we invite all students to have a Free Demo class, so that they are fully satisfied.
What will happen in Demo Class?
In Demo meeting first of all the Trainer's work portfolio - Clients & Brands worked with Hollywood films, Dubbing, Projects done & so on. So that you are assured about the Skill of Trainer.
Training process, a Live Class environment, Training content, Live Projects, Discuss your doubts about training & work etc.
To Book a Free Demo class Online or face 2 face - WhatsApp your Name, Languages, Location at - 9810269265
Below are some of the Question Answer series asked by Aspiring voice artists in Demo meetings.
January 2023 Online Demo Sessions 14th Jan 2023 - Priety Shukla Language - Hindi, Kanpur (Video Link of Q&A-18)
क्या मेरी आवाज वॉइस ओवर और डबिंग के लिए सही है?
A1 - अक्सर हर तरह की साफ़ आवाज़ voiceover और dubbing के काम के लिए सही हो सकती है, अगर आपको उसका सही इस्तेमाल करना भी आता हैI पर फ़िलहाल आपकी आवाज़ काफ़ी दबी हुई लग रही है, उसे निखारना होगा, और दूसरा आपके उच्चारण में भी सुधार लाने की ज़रूरत हैI अगर आप इन कमियों पर काम करना चाहती हैं तो आप ये काम कर सकती हैंI demo class में आप अपना audition देकर भी अपनी आवाज़ के बारे में जान सकती हैंI
क्या मैं इस ट्रेनिंग के बाद RJ बन सकती हूं?
A2 - हमारी ट्रेनिंग में आपको आवाज के साथ खेलना, अलग-अलग तरह के Projects को Record करना सिखाया जाएगा, पर RJ बनने के लिए आपको रेडियो में इस्तेमाल होने वाले equipment और creative content writing, script writing, programming इत्यादि की जानकारी भी होनी चाहिए.
मैं घर से ही वॉइस ओवर ट्रेनिंग के बाद रेगुलर इनकम सोर्स जनरेट कर सकती हूं?
A3 - बिल्कुल, अगर आप अच्छी तरह Voice Over का काम सीख लेती हैं तो आप घर बैठे ही Voice Over का काम कर कमा सकती हैं I
क्या आप ट्रेनिंग में कहां कहां काम मिल सकता है इसकी जानकारी देंगे?
A4 - आपको कहां से काम मिलेगा, कैसे Apply करना है, और कैसे काम को करना है इन सब की पूरी जानकारी दी जाएगी I ट्रेनिंग के साथ-साथ आपको हमारे Live Projects में भी काम करने का मौका मिलेगा, जिससे आप की कला को तराशा जा सके I
इस ट्रेनिंग में आवाज को प्रभावी और उच्चारण को शुद्ध बनाने के लिए कार्य किया जाएगा?
A4 - आवाज को प्रभावशाली बनाना और उच्चारण शुद्ध रखना Voice Over काम के अभिन्न अंग हैं I इस विषय पर भरपूर काम किया जाएगा I
आप लोग अपने माध्यम से ट्रेनिंग के बाद प्रोजेक्ट दिलवा ते हैं?
A4 - हम अपनी फिल्मों और Projects के लिए अपने Students और Voice Artists को योग्यता अनुसार काम देते हैं I आप हमारे Monthly Selected Voice Artists और Projects हमारे Youtube Channel और facebook page पर हर महीने देख सकते हैं I
22nd January 2023 - Questions by Tiara Multani, Pune, Maharashtra (Video Link of Q&A-19)
What is Narration dubbing?
A1 - Imagine a Background voice narrating a Film’s story for example in movie KGF2 original narration is done in Kannada & then it is dubbed in various languages like Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. That dubbed voice will be called a Narration dubbing where we need to match the timing of the voice over with Kannada Narration.
What are Reels and showreels and what is the process to make them?
A2 - Studio Demo reel is a portfolio consisting of Studio recorded Voice samples which showcases your voice over talent & range. Demo reels are preferably recorded in Recording Studios or in case of unavailability of studio you can also record with a home setup.
What is a live project?
A3 - During the training & after the training students get chance to record their voices for on-going projects which gives them a good exposure to hone their skills. Our monthly selected voices can be checked every month on our youtube channel or facebook page.
You keep talking about talent. So what is the talent in this industry? I mean what are the things that are looked at in an artist for voiceover, dubbing and acting dubbing respectively?
A4 - Talent here means how much you are proficient in handling this work. Regarding voice over industry one should have a Good clear voice, Professional Audio Quality, flawless pronunciation & most importantly one should have a practical knowledge of performing various types of scripts & ability to record as per clients expectations or above their expectations.
Which is better to make our voice samples Home setup or a studio?
A5 - If you’re targeting Main stream work or actual voice over over industry then it should to be studio recorded only with very good mics like Neumann, Rode etc. For Home grown Freelance work like youtubers, vloggers, fact videos, fan dubbers etc. you can use a good mobile phone or any normal mic because here the driving factor is usually budget & not the Quality.
What is diction and modulation?
A6 - In voice over world Diction means having command on the language & clear pronunciation. Modulation means the ability to express with your voice as per the requirement of Scripts.
What is the difference between main stream and freelance?
A7 - Main Stream work or actual voice over work comprises of Broadcast work like in Films, TV, Dubbing, Cartoons, Radio ads, Documentaries etc. available in open & Non Broadcast work for Creating content for Companies like Corporate Films, White board animations, IVR, E Learning modules for their internal usage. For main stream work Audio Quality & Voice Artist’s Talent plays an important role & it pays well accordingly.
Freelance work includes Youtubers, Vloggers, Fact, Motivational videos, fan dubbers etc. which anyone can create on youtube earn from getting views, likes & channel subscriptions. As no Company stakes are involved here so there’s no check on the Quality & budget is also very little as anyone can make a channel & start recording.